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Here you will find information about our events, with a focus on those that are centrally organised by the Wokingham u3a Committee and open to all members.
Most of these pages are viewable only when logged in, as they contain member-only information such as contact details and booking links.
Click on the sub-menu items, or the links below for details:
Calendar-at-glance - this page lists all our events in date order. You will find all the centrally organised Wu3a speaker meetings and events here. Some group-specific events are also listed in the calendar - in some cases these are open to other Wu3a members, which will be specified in the event details. You will need to log in to view the Calendar.
Wokingham u3a Events - here you will find details of Wu3a speaker meetings and events that are coming up in the next few weeks, along with links to book your place. This page also lists any forthcoming group-specific events that are open to other u3a members. You will need to log in to view the Talks & Events page.
Regional Events - here you will find details of any events organised at a regional level and open to Wu3a members. Many of these are Zoom talks organised by the Thames Valley Network (TVN) but there are also some South East Region events. You will need to log in to view the Regional Events page.
What's on in Wokingham - this new resource provides information about (non u3a) cultural and educational activities in and around Wokingham that may be of interest. It's open to all website users - no need to log in
Further information
The Wokingham u3a Committee has taken a policy decision that only fully paid up members can participate in any Wokingham u3a activity. The only exception to this policy is that a non-member can attend one Wokingham u3a Monthly Afternoon and Evening Meeting, before being required to apply for Membership.
NB. Numbers at St Paul’s Parish Rooms, Wokingham are limited by fire regulations and unfortunately there can be no admittance once the hall is full.