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Here you will find a wealth of information that's open to you as a Wokingham u3a member.
Most of these pages are viewable only when logged in, as they contain links to valuable resources that form part of your membership benefits.
Click on the sub-menu items, or the links below for details:
Latest News - News features about some of the exciting things that Wokingham u3a members have been up to. You will need to log in to view the full content.
Newsletters - here you can access the latest Wu3a News Edit - our content-packed newsletter, which is published every two months. You can also download previous issues from this page. You will need to log in to access this members-only publication.
Wu3a Video Collection - view the latest videos, produced with the help of our clever technical and production team. A great way to check out the highlights of our recent events. You will need to log in to view the videos.
National u3a - check out the huge range of (largely online) resources, activities and events organised at National level, which your membership entitles you to enjoy. You will need to log in to view the content.
Explore! - links to interesting subjects, across a number of different categories, that may be of interest. This is not u3a-specific content, it's simply a collection of interesting material. Open to all website users - no need to log in
Useful Links - details of related organisations and other sites that may be useful to you. Open to all website users - no need to log in