Galileo had a point when he said ‘mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe’. Maths can be found everywhere – it underpins the security of the Internet, the pricing of commodities, the logistics of food supply, and it helps us to understand the natural world, for example the pattern of seeds in a sunflower.
We are a small, friendly group with an interest in exploring many different aspects of that language and the ways it can reveal hidden patterns, or help us to understand the world.
Our meetings normally have a theme, either a talk (or several short talks) with subsequent discussion, or maybe a book or video. Periodically we have a session on puzzles and problems that we all share.
We are a mixed group of non-experts and experts who share an interest and fascination for maths and what can be revealed by exploring its many facets.
If you are interested in maths (whether an expert or not) then why not sample one of our meetings – please contact the convenor.
Some of our more technical past topics can be viewed by following this link to the Members’ Area if you are signed in.